Monday, March 16, 2009


Today was one of those days where a seemingly unfamiliar situation became familiar again. I helped keep the nursery at my church. Every 3 months or so, its my community groups turn. I had the privilege, no, joy to keep the 0-1 year olds. Joy isnt really the first thing that pops in your mind when you are holding a 5 month old crying his head off. Helplessness would be a good first thought (esp if it isnt yours). There are a few things you learn while in this situation with the kids...
Not all babies cry ALL THE TIME
Some babies cry ALL THE TIME
Some like eating everything they see
Some don't know what they want
Some enjoy being carried
Some want to sit
Overall, the lesson seemed to be, not all babies are the same. There is something empowering about the idea of getting someone to stop crying and laugh of all things. This got me thinking that they ARE actually fun to play with. Im slowly seeing why so many of my friends want one now. For me, it will definately be awhile but I am at least starting to see the other side. I leave you with a shot of my friends' baby, Kelsey Arp.



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