Friday, March 13, 2009

Photographer Inspiration

I was wondering what I was going to blog about tonight when I started checking my blogs that I keep up-to-date with. After reading the 2nd one that popped up, I had a topic. These guys, The Parsons, just got back from a trip from Rwanda. I know a few photographers who have been there but no one has captured the pure emotion that they captured. They said "the hope of Rwanda is in its kids". Thats amazing! I do wish the elders could somehow have a taste of the hope but maybe thats to come later. Who says kids cant teach adults? Why do many people not have hope? Why can't everyone believe in something better to come? I do not know Jeremy or Ashley Parsons but id like to thank them for allowing me to feel as if I participated in their amazing journey. I leave you with a shot which I took of a Ukraine orphan on his trip to Birmingham.



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