Tuesday, September 22, 2009


This past weekend was very entertaining and memorable. A nice change from the norm. My 1st cousin got married (I was the photographer), my college roommate had his bachelor party and my table got dominated at a local Atlanta trivia hub. Although each of these things seem very writable and interesting, nothing compared to what happened after trivia.

As I was minding my own business driving back to Birmingham from Atlanta, it began raining. Not just the rain we are used to but the rain which seemed to be coming from above, below and sideways. I sometimes felt like I could turn off my headlights and navigate by the lightning it was so frequent and expanding. I later pulled over to the side of the interstate like 80% of all the partially insane drivers of Sunday night. After about 10 min. of sitting on the side of the road, I became bored so decided to join the 20% and try to drive 30mph in the center lane. That worked for approximately 2 minutes when I came to a complete stop behind a large SUV with an LA Los Angeles sticker on the rear window. I had no idea I would be staring at the thing for 3 and a half hours. For the first hour, I was trying to guess how many car pileup happened in front of me since there were an abundant amount of police lights 300 yards away. The Georgia DOT's hotline did not help at all when I called to check on accidents. After my 3rd call, I was finally directed to a real person. He informed me that the road was CLOSED because of a flood. Who closes an interstate? Better yet, who builds an interstate that floods!? By this time, it was 2:30am and most cars had gone to sleep. Engines off, lights off and drivers asleep. Since I still had a little hope for the DOT to clear some of the water, I stayed awake...with help from the lightning and my sister who couldn't sleep that night (and about 3 exits down the road in college). Behold, one lane started moving. The outside lane. Of course I was in the inside lane. Luckily, it did not take long to make it over the 3 lanes because most people were asleep and so many people had turned around through the night, many holes were created in the interstate parking lot. Afterward, I made it home and had a great mornings sleep.

To pass time, I edited photos from my cousins wedding shoot and took self-timer shots of myself. This is what it was like:



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